Learning Agreement DIY

Here you can find some important information about "How to prepare Learning Agreement in correct way"

1. First you can use our template:


Then remember that you are responsible for filling this document.

2. How to fill "Receiving Institution" on the first page:

You have to choose Faculty/Department on the base of courses that you have been chosen. You fill this field with only one Faculty. Choose the one from which you selected the most courses.

The rest is done by us :)

3. Now you have to fill "Before mobility"

In this table use only courses form our website:


Don't forget to fill "Planned period of the mobility" and "Semester". With this information is easier for us to check if you are applying for the correct term and, if needed, we can change it without your participation.

4. Choose the level of language competence. Remember that you need to send to us language certificate.

5. In Table B add counterparts of courses from your University.

6. Before adding Learning Agreement to our system, collect signatures at your University. Don't forget about your signature first.